Category: Nourish

Euphebe Challenge Part II: Meet HealthKick Ambassador Hannah Friedland Let’s face it, we all cave in sometimes to snacks at the office, lunches out, or get lured into happy hours. Last week, we had the opportunity to meet Allison Field from NBC who rose to the Euphebe Challenge to eat plant based foods for 6 days straight. […]

Eat well, look great, and feel better. So easy, right? Except when you’re at your office and there are free snacks, or someone brings in some goodies that everyone goes for (you know you have to have one!). Or when you go out for lunch and you don’t get the healthiest thing on the menu. Even […]

Water is literally key to our survival, regardless of whether you’re a marathoner or you’re taking a ‘break from the gym’. Humans can exist around 60 days with no food, but only seven with no water. Oh, and we’re also made up of 55% water as grownups.* And when hard workouts, or even just festival […]

Healthy, fresh summer recipes inspired by two of our favorite partners Almond and OurHarvest