Month: July 2021

Author: Nuun

While there are plenty of appsjournals, and even water bottles designed to help you make sure you’re drinking enough water each day, it’s easier to get dehydrated than you may think. Hiking at a moderate pace could lead to mild dehydration in an hour, while a hard training run could lead to the same result in just 30 minutes.

But even mild dehydration can have adverse effects on the body, including mood changes, muddled thinking, and a decrease in athletic performance. The trouble is, you may not realize you’re even mildly dehydrated until it’s too late, because you may not always — or immediately — experience the feeling of thirst.

So if you can’t rely on feeling thirsty to stay properly hydrated, what are the most common signs of dehydration? Here are a few common dehydration symptoms and what to do if you experience them.  


Staying hydrated is SO important and drinking enough water per day gives so many amazing benefits that we know we all could use, especially in these hot summer months. 

Keep on reading to get everything you need to start the 7-Day Challenge!


We all know that staying hydrated is good for us.  But if I asked you to name some of the specific benefits of drinking water, could you name more than a few? Believe it or not, there are a multitude of benefits to staying hydrated, many of which aren’t immediately obvious.  Read on for the […]

Summer has arrived and the sun is shining bright and outdoor activities are a top priority for most of us. This is an important time to highlight July as UV Safety Awareness Month! With the beach and barbecue weather comes higher exposure to harmful Ultraviolet (UV) rays, which are the main cause of skin cells […]