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Spring CleaRing – Clear Clutter in a Flash

“Can it be that even as one grows to fit the space one lives in, one cannot grow until there’s space to grow?”
–Rita Dove

Ah spring – the season of renewal! If you’re a gardener, you know you need to prune back old branches and pull up weeds to make space for new growth. The same is true in your home and work space – go beyond spring cleaning and take on spring cleaRing. Clear out clutter to make space for more of the things that are truly important to you.

As a professional organizer, people hire me when they want make space quickly. Some people are moving and are on a tight deadline, and others just can’t stand the chaos and clutter for one more minute and realize that the lack of space is impacting their growth.

I’ve developed some fast ways to reveal more space than you thought you had, and I’m sharing my secrets, room by room, so that you can have more room to grow.

Bathroom – Pull out the stuff from the dark reaches under the sink. If it’s dusty or rusty, you’re not using it! Make room for some of the lotions and potions that are now crowding the vanity.

Clothes closets – Remove all but a few empty hangers and toss all plastic dry cleaning bags (they’re not protecting your clothes, they’re harming them). You may discover you have a foot or more of hanging space available. Continue by donating the clothes you never wear to charity.

Desk – You probably have handfuls of pens and markers that you don’t like and that don’t work. Keep only the good ones. One staple remover is enough! How many pads do you really need?

Drawers – Chuck mystery keys, random parts and cords. Recycle old cell phones and other devices that you no longer use.

Kitchen – Prune your collection of plastic grocery bags and shopping bags. Or go nuts and chuck them all. You’ll be getting more soon enough! Dump the lid-less plastic containers and the empty mayo and peanut butter jars. Dusty spices are too old to impart any flavor to food. Let the chipped mugs go. Please.

Linen closet – Give away or toss the old ratty sheets and towels – there’s a reason you bought new ones! How many extra sets do you really need? Some animal shelters will take them as bedding for pets.

Living room – Old magazines, catalogs and papers are probably taking up a ridiculous amount of space. And I won’t even mention books! Consider finally getting rid of any LPs, tapes, and definitely 8-tracks that you don’t listen to. With streaming services, can you let the videos go?

Utility closets / garage / attic – Toss empty boxes unless they are for new items you may return. Let go of the old phones, answering machines, computers, VCRs, etc. If the new one breaks, you’re not going to use an old model.

GO Do It!

Take a look into some of your spaces listed above and see what you can quickly get rid of to make more space. I’d love to hear from you if you take this on. I love to hear about organizing successes … and I’m here to help with any difficulties.

Lisa Zaslow founded to help busy people create order and calm from chaos in their work spaces, homes and lives. Her practical organizing solutions are custom-tailored to each client’s needs and budget. She works with clients in person, mainly in the New York Metro area, and offers virtual organization coaching and advice.


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