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An EPIC start to May

It’s finally starting to feel like SPRING! A new season means that it’s time to get out of our winter slump and form some new habits, like trying out a new fitness studio or trying a new meal service (because it’s just as important to push yourself in the gym as it is in the kitchen!) As we launch our May Corporate Challenge, we wanted to catch up with some of our favorite studios and find out how they’re celebrating the warm weather! This week we had the chance to catch up with EPIC’s NYC trainer Sarah Gawron.


What’s your biggest motivation to get into shape? 
When I was in my early twenties I made a commitment to myself; as I get older I do not want the quality of my life to diminish.  In fact, my goal is to be in my sixties or seventies and still be active and still be training.  Living a quality active life is my biggest motivation to train.  I have never worked out to get into shape, for six-pack abs, or defined arms.  Training is where I go when I am feeling lost, stressed, weak, or even want to kick some butt.  I am training for life and it is a constant process.
How do you create new routines so your clients are always trying something new? 
Everyone I work with is different.  Each person is on a different journey, therefore, the process will be slightly different.  I approach training by focusing on the movement and explore different planes our body is able to move.  Many programs will primarily focus on the sagittal plane, but our bodies are meant to move in different planes and to be challenged.  With that approach the possibilities are endless.
What’s your favorite part about the warmer weather?
My favorite part about the warmer weather is being able to take my training outside and being more active outdoors.  My favorite way to train is with minimum equipment outside preferably by a pool or the ocean.  Jumping into the water is always the best way to cool down. I also enjoy hiking, paddle boarding, surfing, and running outside so there are many reasons to be excited for the warmer months.
How did you figure out you wanted to become a trainer at EPIC?
The community and culture at Epic Hybrid Training is unique, supportive, and very special.  I have been coaching at EPIC for over three years and the members are a big reason why I wanted to coach at the facility.  There are many places to train in the city, but there isn’t anything like the community we have at Epic Hybrid Training.  They don’t just work hard together in the studio, but they race together, attend social events outside the studio, and even go on vacation together. Another reason I wanted to join Epic Hybrid Training is their approach to fitness and training.  Training should be fun, creative, functional, and definitely challenging; and that is what a person can expect when they step on the mat.
What’s your favorite thing to do on your day off?
My favorite thing to do is have some down time to myself, I love going to the farmer’s market and cooking.  I also enjoy going for a run with friends and catching up at some of my favorite coffee shops afterward.
If you had the choice, what would your go-to meal be?
I have a few go-to meals that I have often.  I love starting my day off with a green protein smoothie, with lots of kale, pear, ginger and plant-based protein powder.  I also love having a big salad with tempeh and hummus, which is another meal I have daily and never get tired of it.
What’s the most rewarding part of working out for you? 
Most rewarding part of training is when you accomplish something you didn’t think you can do. The mind is a powerful thing and many times in training we come across doubt and fear, but when we trust in our strength and ability we can surprise ourselves.  That feeling is rewarding and makes training thrilling.
Follow Sarah on instagram @ _coach_sarah
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