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Monday Motivation at EverybodyFights

With Week 3 of the Corporate Challenge in full swing, we’ve got some Monday motivation to power you through the week, courtesy of Hernan Santa from EverybodyFights.

Will you be in the studio and around this December?

Santa is going to be around, especially since its December. Haha

How do you keep people focused in class when it becomes holiday time?

By switching up the programming of the classes week to week, so that they’re constantly being surprised and pushed to their limits. I also remind our students to set their intentions before class to earn that holiday feast that’s coming at the end of the month.

Anything going into this month’s playlist that we have to download?

Definitely tracks from Jada Kiss & Fabolous new album “Nightmare on Elm Street”

What is your favorite part of the holiday season?

My favorite part of the holiday season is definitely the giving part. I also love that friends and family come together to eat, celebrate and contribute to putting smiles on each other’s faces.

What is the most challenging part?

There’s really no challenges for me in December, as a matter of fact. I find it to be the  easiest time of the year because it’s coming to an end and I get super excited about all of the beautiful things that are going to happen in the New Year!!!

Any tips for our readers and EverybodyFights clients who might find it tough to make it to class in the middle of the holiday hustle?

Yes!!! If you know that your mid-day and evenings are going to be busy and unpredictable make a sacrifice for the month and get your butt out of bed a little earlier then usual and come to morning classes, which start as early as 6am at EverybodyFights. Also if you know you’re going to go away towards the end of December and won’t be able to workout on vacation, then front load your training and get to the gym 5x a week rather than 3x.

Most importantly, because we are all about balance, what are your favorite holiday indulgences?

I just recently started eating Vegan (plant-based) @22daysnutrition 4 weeks ago and I have to say that the transformation that it has caused in me both mentally and physically has been amazing. I haven’t craved meat or sugars, which normally would’ve been my go to indulgences.

You can follow Hernan on Instagram @santa_iz_real


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