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Get Back to Healthy Habits – Tips from the HealthKick Team

Author: HealthKick Team

Of course the summer months are full of fun but they aren’t always the most accommodating when trying to stick to healthy eating, sleep and a workout schedule. August at HealthKick is all about reclaiming your time and space, empowering yourself and putting YOU back onto the priority list by making small changes. Check out five tips from the Healthkick team below to get started!

1. Change your perception

We might think of Back to School Month and the ending of summer as something negative and it’s easy to feel like this is a mundane time of year. Instead of giving these thoughts any weight, try to change the way you view things.

See the excitement in this transition and understand how you can benefit from it. Seasons are a natural cycle of life, and a great time to appreciate the evolution, transformation, and continuous changes. Take time to figure out your goals or objectives and any changes you want to make by the end of the year (Try Journify).

2. Add in new activities

Take advantage of the new season to include new activities, whether it’s a workout, pastime, or a change in your social life. You might discover a new passion, sign up for a yoga class (Corepower, Yoga International or Y7), start cooking with your family or roommates (try out Green Chef, Sun Basket or Purple Carrot) , or even try a dance class. Form a book club with friends, take up painting, or journaling (try out Jour).

3. Plan your meals

Plan your daily meal times and eat three balanced meals each day around the same time. Eating consistently each day can help you better manage your appetite and having a schedule can also help reduce any emotional eating. (Try Platejoy for meal planning or Home Chef and Daily Harvest for easy meals).

4. Keep your sleep in check

Shorter days and less exposure to the natural light from the sun can have us feeling a bit sleepier than normal, that’s your circadian rhythm working. Make sure you spend some time outdoors every day, especially in the early morning; our body clocks are regulated by the light and dark cycles. If you can take a quick walk in the morning or drink water outside to get that morning sunlight in your eyes you feel so much better! (try out Proper sleep supplements, Magnesium from Rootcha, or CBD from Vital Tonics).

5. Find an accountability partner

Some people prefer doing things solo, but at HealthKick we like to find a friend, co-workers, a family member or significant other who want to make the same kind of changes as we do! Things just seem a little more fun and even easier when there’s someone to talk to about wins, struggles and just creating an overall healthier lifestyle. Plus, when the motivation is lacking, having someone to kick us into gear is never a bad thing. Making changes to your lifestyle can be hard at first, but it’s worth it to feel your best.

We hope these tips help you get started, this isn’t about being extreme or boring, find what works for you and lights you up in the process! What are your favorite ways to get back to healthy habits during back to school month?

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