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HealthKick 7-Day Hydration Challenge

Staying hydrated is SO important and drinking enough water per day gives so many amazing benefits that we know we all could use, especially in these hot summer months. 

Keep on reading to get everything you need to start the 7-Day Challenge!

The Challenge:

From Monday, July 26th – Sunday, August 1st, we challenge you to drink half your body’s weight in ounces of water every day.

Suggestions for Water Intake:

1. You should be drinking at least half your body weight in ounces of water on a daily basis.

For example, if you weigh 150 pounds, you should be drinking at least 75 ounces of water every single day.

2. If you exercise, you should be drinking even more water

Be sure to fill up a water bottle before your workouts and sip it throughout. Add around an extra 24 ounces of water to make up for what you sweat out during your workout.

3. Start your day with 16 ounces of lemon water within 10 minutes of waking up

This will not only give you a jumpstart on your hydration for the day, but it is a great way to help your digestion and rev up your metabolism. 

Challenge Details:

Enter Now – Giveaway #1 with Nuun Hydration:

You will be entered to win a one month supply of Nuun, their electrolyte enhanced drink tabs!

  1. Follow us both on Instagram @my_healthkick @nuunhydration or Facebook: HealthKick and Nuun Hydration
  2. Like the Nuun giveaway post on our page, comment your company name and tag a friend or co-worker for an extra entry!
  3. Giveaway ends at 12:00 AM EST on Sunday, August 3rd

Tell us how You’re Doing:

Share it! Let us know how you’re doing with your hydration goals. Did you drink your recommended ounces for the day? How are you feeling? We want to know! Tag us @my_healthkick and use #HealthKickH20Challenge so we can see your progress.

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