Sweat 01/ 12/ 2021

5 Ways to Stick to Your 2021 Fitness Goals

It’s easy to make a fitness resolution on New Year’s Eve; the challenge is putting it into practice and sticking with it for the long-term. Here are 5 simple ways to turn those fitness goals into a reality—not just for January, but throughout 2021 and beyond.

  1. Find Your Why – A fitness resolution is rarely about fitness. It’s important to ask yourself why this resolution is important to you on a deeper level. What’s motivating you to make a change? Figure out exactly what that something is and use it to push yourself to keep going when you feel like throwing in the towel.
  1. Be Specific – Don’t make vague goals. You’re more likely to stick to your goal if you make it as specific as possible. Determine exactly what you’re going to do and when you want to to achieve it!
  1. Track Your Progress – Keeping track of your progress helps you stick to your fitness resolutions. Seeing how far you’ve come will motivate you to keep pushing.
  1. Switch Things Up – Switching up your routine not only keeps you physically challenged but also keeps you from getting bored. New exercises also help prevent your body from adapting to your exercise routine and hitting those dreaded plateaus.
  1. Find an Accountability Buddy – Working out with a friend will not only help you stick to your workout schedule, but you will also be there to encourage and cheer each other on.

We hope these tips help you make fitness a part of your lifestyle, let us know how you plan to stick with your new goals below!

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